manWhat I do

I offer translation services;
I can translate paper and digital documents, including such as Microsoft Office files, Pdf documents or Adobe Indesign files.
Pdf documents usually require more time to be processed than simple Word files because they involve formatting issues after the translation phase. For this reason, I suggest to provide me with Word documents for a quicker and cheaper service.

I offer editing services for documents translated by others or written by non-native speakers. I can review grammar, spelling, punctuation and right usage of words in relation to their context. Translations are also compared against the original for missing text, wrong layout and font.
A document editing purpose is to improve the quality of a text to the level required by the customer, so involves also the customer who may be required to give his collaboration. The editing task checks for errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation and word usage in text that has not been formatted yet. It also ensures appropriate use of voice, style and sentence construction.

I offer proofreading services.
follows the editing phase and involves an accurate reading of the translated document focusing on consistency. In particular it provides for a final check of grammar, format and language consistency and simple typing errors or misspellings.

I offer localization services.
is the linguistic and cultural adaptation of a product or service for a specific country or culture, making it appropriate for the target audience. It is a key step for a company that wants to become global and be present on distinct markets. Localization may include translation of currencies, date formats, telephone numbers, addresses, measurements and other aspects.
I can localize Smartphone applications, websites, installation guides, home appliance manuals, user guides, etc.